Tamworth Public School

Excellence in Primary Education

Telephone02 6766 2016



Come & See My Learning Space Evening

What an incredible turnout we had on Tuesday afternoon/evening.

A huge thank you to all of our students, parents and carers who came along to our 'Come & See My Learning Space' event.

We hope the new student-led format was positive and we will be seeking feedback from willing parents/carers to continually improve our processes. I would also like to say a big thank you to our P&C for coordinating the BBQ/Clothing Pool and all the volunteers who signed-up to help out throughout the event.

We're Going on a Principal Hunt

SURPRISE!!! Our Kinder Penguins class surprised me yesterday when they found me in my office. As part of their English Unit of Work, they have been reading 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' but instead, the Penguins went on a Principal Hunt. It was fantastic hearing about their adventure creeping, crawling and waddling throughout the school on their hunt. Keep working hard Penguins!!!

Bus Gates

Entry/exit only for students on buses

Can we please ask all parents/carers to NOT use the Upper Street Bus Gate for entry/exit in the morning and afternoon. This gate is specifically for students using bus transport and pedestrian traffic needs to be kept to a minimum to prevent possible accidents/injuries.

Parents/carers, PLEASE use all of our other entry points (Bourke Street, Magpie Gate, Brisbane Street, Napier Street) to safely drop-off/pick-up your children in the mornings and afternoons.

John Ireland


Tamworth Public School

Upcoming events

From the department

Every day matters

From the department

Back to school webinar for parents and carers